Thursday, April 24, 2014

Independent Component 2

      I, Juan Munoz, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
  My independent component was completed In the office of integrity landscape and concrete. I helped the secretary Stephanie and the president of the company Juan Munoz.
Through  the past month or so, I've had several small jobs, I got the chance to completely reorganize the office. the first part was to clean up all the magazines they had for landscaping, throw old one and keep the one that were used only. that was the first 2 days. for the rest of the time my routine was collect all the receipts from the previous day that the employees left from their job site. each receipt went to the job site file. its a simple job, but the office wasn't completing this on time since they had other things to worry about. so every day I file receipts. I decided to go further by filing the receipt on to a Google doc. that way we don't have to look for the all of receipts. another that helped was that I shared it with my mentor. so when he wasn't at the office but needed to see how he has spent on the job so far, he goes on his phone and can see /edit. after I finish the receipt filing, i rearrange files such as tax papers, contacts information, employee hrs. etc.  I put the papers in their own file cabinet. i try to put things in the amount of times the secretary uses them, so contact info, I set  the files to the first left cabinet, at arms reach. another thing is the employee application and time sheets, located in the back right of my desk. the door is in straight distance so when the employees enter they can grab their time sheet or an other info.
after the second day when I finished, didn't take a picture the first day because I forgot my phone so I cant show you a before

this is a very messy desk. before it was mine, then I cleaned it up

 some of the things that i did

my current desk, keeping it clean and organize so i can do my job

what i have learned from this was to be my second answer of being effective and orderly to the company departments, its employees, and clientele information. this help me see what people do at the office. it also shows that when you have more things filed it less work to be looking for things.  i hope that i become a great asset to this company to continue moving forward.


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