Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Senior project reflection

1.  I was really proud of how smoothly my presentation went. For other there were some technical difficulties, or in some error in power points. But In mine I didn't have a problem. All the student participated in my activity which really help me show them things about business.

2. AE- for my presentation and P+ for my overall

3.  What worked well was my sources, they showed me how to improve on factors of a business

4. What didn't work was finding the correct activity for the listeners to do. So they could get more knowledge and put the knowledge they learned into the activity. But at the end I found good activities to do.

5. As a whole this experience has shown to step up and take initiative. If you want to be successful and be know you can't wait for other. You have to do what you have to. Through some of the committees and mentorship i took action to do things before even being ask. Made sure to keep up in the front with the big league.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


My mentorship was taken at guills inc. A construction corporation located in chino ca. My mentor Juan Munoz founder and CEO of guills inc.

The most important thing I have learned from this mentorship is how not everyone can be a CEO. It takes character and hard work. With dedication and initiative this man has successfully grown bigger and bigger through the years. He thought me that risks aren't alway the answer.

During my mentorship, when I was coming up with the answers I believe we're the best. I didn't know if my answers were good enough. As time past I would see my answers be put into work in my mentorship. I saw when my answer succeeded and why. I also saw what happens when mistakes were made and with the cons of that mistake. It has only giving me experience that I need to creat my own business in the future.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

exit interview

. my essential question is what factor most contributes to the effective management of a small corporation?      my first answer is with effective communication departments will not misinterpret one another and will operate as one cohesive unit so that the corporation will be most profitable. in my mentor ship i witness a problem where i got to experience a real scenario with misunderstanding between an employee and my mentor in a job site where profit of 2,000 dollars were lost. communication also comes in with clientele, making sure that everyone is up to date with the job plan. but to first get the job, an article called
    " successful business communication: it starts in the beginning" by Amy Anderson  give three question when trying to sell a product.
 1.  Is what you want to talk about going to be painful?
2.  How long is it going to take?
 3.  When you are done talking, what do you want from me?
my second answer is as a corporation organization must be evident through all departments in order  to provide the best service. when it comes to organization every person and department.  by person i mean the employees, they need to stay clean and organized so that they have all their equipment, know what plans are for what jobs, continue to the next task. by departments i mean for example in my mentor ship and their yard. having the equipment put in separate piles and on a place where you don't struggle to get if its used more.   as for the office organization more in invoices, bills, accounts, employee payroll, suppliers files, expenses and revenue. in a article from clearly business, they assist with their way of organizing everything is programs on the computer while having a copy on a printed file.
 my third and best answer is hiring people who have dedication, collaborate as a team, can be most profitable to the corporation. this is my best answer because in ties into the other two answers. having an the perfect employee who can communicate with other and stay organized, can increase their productivity leading to more profit in the future. in the book good to great, jim collins gives reason of great leadership, which allowed for the bigger corporation to make the leap of good to great. having dedication, allows for the boss to focus on other problems of the business knowing the task will be complete with out him being on top of them. as long as they get great with others no problems can be a result of this, also working producing more product. the employee is the what runs the company. having the right trust worthy, and has the same vision for the company helps improve the corporation.

.  i don't have a main thing that really helped me make all my answers. it was evenly divided by my mentor-ship, and the research checks. as i progress in my mentor-ship, my mentor would explain to me some processes of his business. for example he stated that " to have a successful business, any business, you need the right team. people who you can give your trust, people who can finish what they started". i understood having the good people, it made sense, that where my research came into to play, in the book good to great in ch. 3 Jim Collins explains how paying an employee higher than others inst the answer, the answer is who you pay. an employee who has an educational  and good amount of experience helps the leader focus on the financial section of his business. sin simpler words my mentor supports my research, and my research supports my mentor.

. my mentor has tough me some great things, brought me along in the life changing situation that Im not allowed to talk about, mainly for the security of his business. but he is a busy man. the struggle for me to get his interview was more difficult, not a big problem. was having trouble coming up with a eq that fit the general need for all the corporations. but found it easier to focus only on my corporation of construction

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Independent Component 2

      I, Juan Munoz, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
  My independent component was completed In the office of integrity landscape and concrete. I helped the secretary Stephanie and the president of the company Juan Munoz.
Through  the past month or so, I've had several small jobs, I got the chance to completely reorganize the office. the first part was to clean up all the magazines they had for landscaping, throw old one and keep the one that were used only. that was the first 2 days. for the rest of the time my routine was collect all the receipts from the previous day that the employees left from their job site. each receipt went to the job site file. its a simple job, but the office wasn't completing this on time since they had other things to worry about. so every day I file receipts. I decided to go further by filing the receipt on to a Google doc. that way we don't have to look for the all of receipts. another that helped was that I shared it with my mentor. so when he wasn't at the office but needed to see how he has spent on the job so far, he goes on his phone and can see /edit. after I finish the receipt filing, i rearrange files such as tax papers, contacts information, employee hrs. etc.  I put the papers in their own file cabinet. i try to put things in the amount of times the secretary uses them, so contact info, I set  the files to the first left cabinet, at arms reach. another thing is the employee application and time sheets, located in the back right of my desk. the door is in straight distance so when the employees enter they can grab their time sheet or an other info.
after the second day when I finished, didn't take a picture the first day because I forgot my phone so I cant show you a before

this is a very messy desk. before it was mine, then I cleaned it up

 some of the things that i did

my current desk, keeping it clean and organize so i can do my job

what i have learned from this was to be my second answer of being effective and orderly to the company departments, its employees, and clientele information. this help me see what people do at the office. it also shows that when you have more things filed it less work to be looking for things.  i hope that i become a great asset to this company to continue moving forward.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

third answer

EQ: what factor most contributes to the effective management of a small corporation?

answer 3: when employees collaborate within the company together, allows the corporation to move forward

reason 1: to work a corporation you need a team , just like a sport, to work efficiently

reason 2: gives less stress to employees  and employers

reason 3: my mentor has to be communicating with his partner at the office for new projects

source: Becton, Clayton. "Building Teamwork and the Importance of Trust in a Business Environment1." EDIS New Publications RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2014.

conclusion: without a group to collaborate your works, you business will no thrive. thats why team work is a big factor is corporation management

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Advisory meeting #2

EQ : what factor most contributes to the effective management of a small corporation?

Answer 2: organization with your company, employees, and clientele allows for more effective management

1: the company's inventory
Ex. Having all the supplies you need to do a job, or Having enough potato chip bags in the market for consumer.

2: having your company in different departments
Ex. A corporation has a board of directors, marketing, retail stores, finance, human recourses, etc.

3: billing information and accounts
Ex. A company makes accounts for clientele, so they can make transactions faster, and send invoices to the individuals

 Bowett, Richard. "Organisation - How Businesses Organise Themselves." Business 

Organisation. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

Conclusion: making sue your company is organized allows for smoother management and future success in the company. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

indepedant comp 2

1.  I have been looking for another mentor, just to get a different taste in a different industry. it isn't confirmed yet but if I don't get another mentor. I am interesting in a taking a business management class where I can learn more it running the businesses. again also looking for some classes outside of the schools.

2. if I get a mentor I will do the same thing I did last time where I post pictures of what I did and how the business was runned. if it is a class. I will take picture  of test I have, and my schedule of hours I have.

3.i found having actual life experience brings better understanding for my topic and shows me strategies I can use for my business

4.  did it

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lesson 2 reflection

1. My activity , because it really help some people understand how communication is everything even in business.

2.  P
Reason for it is because  I believe I made time for my answer and activity. The answer was improved from my recent draft, and my activity was something different and actually gave a challenge to some

3. What helped me was my speaker notes, I did forget some things so I reflected back to my notes to continue my presentation.

4.We'll maybe go back to check if my power point looked correct, because even though the back
ground was black it wasn't a major issue. That and also time to rehearse more.

5. I think I have a idea for my answer. Some where between the lines of advertising or leadership

Independent Component 1

(a)“I, Juan Munoz , affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”


"Inventory Control." Entrepreneur. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014.

Anderson, Amy R. ʺSuccessful Business Communication: It Starts At The Beginning.ʺ N.p., 28 May 2013. Web

"Leadership & Management: Communication." Articles About — HBS Working Knowledge. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014.

mentor, CEO and founder of GUILLS INC Juan M Munoz

(d) during the previous 30 hrs for the component, I have learned how inventory is important in a business, and to do successful inventory you need to be organized and clean. I cleaned all the office and the yard for the corporation to check want they had. also went to jobs sites, where I also got evidence for my first answer and how communication is a very important factor to a business any size big or small.


note: some you might have seen in my presentation, I used the ones that I had in my email because I have all my photos in my phone and my phone has been locked and disabled for the  past 2 weeks

last this comp. really did help me understand the importance of communication is a business and how the effects end up as well. it showed me a real life situation were decision were to be made and fix the problem because of miscommunication .

Friday, January 10, 2014

Mentorship 10 hours

1. Guills inc
2. Juan Munoz
3. I have done around 70- 75 hours
4. We'll most the of the time I follow my mentor

Monday, January 6, 2014

Senior project , the holiday

1. We'll I did more mentorship with my mentor, learn how things can some times not go as planned and fix your mistakes. Checking inventory with the company is very important and keeps everything nice and clean. That was in a week and a half

2. I learn a couple of good things but one that I know happens is mistakes. My mentor did a job for the mayor and his employees kept making the same mistake. I know now that if you are ordering something to be done make sure they understand, and get good employees who really want to thrive.

3. I don't have a specific name of a person, but a CEO one with more experience than education level. Because when it's business it doesn't matter and experience wins a good amount of battles.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


During my break I have gone to my mentorship. While I was there it just happened to be time to clean his yard and office for the new year and hopefully stay even more organized then before. So he put me to work, I couldn't help much in the office because I still have no clue how taxes and other bill should be organized. But I did clean the whole yard and organized all the tractor equipment, sprinkler equipment, cement equipment and the truck equipment. Lot of it was heavy work but I had a tractor to pick it up and move it. Making sure that when I grab something it work , if not then throw it away. By doing this checking the what the company had was very usefully to them for inventory to see if they needed anything or we're missing anything.